
Who We Are


The Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health is based at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and publishes the peer-reviewed journal Women's Health Issues. Our mission is to identify and study aspects of healthcare and public health, including legal and policy issues, that affect women’s health at different life stages; to foster awareness of and facilitate dialogue around issues that affect women’s health; and to promote interdisciplinary research, coordination, and information dissemination.


Women's Health Issues


We publish high-quality peer-reviewed research on topics that affect women's health across the lifespan.

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Commentaries call for improvements in policy, research, and practice to improve women's health.

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Our supplements collect recent research on important women's health topics. 

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Scientific Integrity Work


We work to educate lawmakers about legislation that can help ensure the federal government produces and uses scientific evidence appropriately. 

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We collaborate with other organizations to promote science-based policymaking across the federal government.

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We comment on proposed actions by federal agencies that have implications for scientific integrity and women's health.

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Recent Articles

Medical Experts Alarmed by Out-of-Hospital Cesareans in Florida

June 17, 2024

Julia Strasser spoke to the New York Times about a new Florida law allowing cesareans at freestanding outpatient birth centers.

A wooden gavel rests on a white marble surface

Study Identifies Reasons Why Those with Disabling Endometriosis Often Struggle to Receive Disability Payments

May 28, 2024

Authors of the latest Editor's Choice study in Women's Health Issues analzyed the text of disability claim appeals involving endometriosis.

The Pill Makes Some Women Miserable. But Are They Really Quitting It en Masse?

May 16, 2024

Julia Strasser spoke to The New York Times about increasing usage of birth control pills following the Dobbs decision.